Bob Tabor

Bob is the founder of LearnVisualStudio.NET and has been creating screencast tutorials since 2002. A five-time Microsoft MVP, his videos have been viewed millions of times on Visual Studio's Start page, Channel 9, Microsoft Virtual Academy, and elsewhere. Bob is an adjunct instructor for WintellectNOW.


Course Title Duration Topic(s)
Creating Custom View Models 00:14:47 MVC, ASP.NET
Implementing Localization 00:17:16 MVC, ASP.NET
Using Resource Files for Strings and Error Messages 00:14:21 MVC, ASP.NET
Visual Studio 2015, Part 1: Series Introduction 00:03:47 Visual Studio
Visual Studio 2015, Part 2: What is Visual Studio? 00:09:55 Visual Studio
Visual Studio 2015, Part 3: Which Edition of Visual Studio Should I Choose? 00:06:40 Visual Studio
Visual Studio 2015, Part 4: Working with Projects and Solutions 00:12:19 Visual Studio
Visual Studio 2015, Part 5: Understanding Visual Designers and Code Editors 00:15:52 Visual Studio
Visual Studio 2015, Part 6: Ten Crucial Shortcuts to Master 00:07:32 Visual Studio
Visual Studio 2015, Part 7: Customizing Visual Studio's Layout 00:07:04 Visual Studio
Visual Studio 2015, Part 8: Understanding the NuGet Package Manager 00:15:57 Visual Studio
Visual Studio 2015, Part 9: Debugging Basics 00:14:49 Visual Studio
Visual Studio 2015, Part 10: Visual Studio Team Services 00:15:16 Visual Studio
Visual Studio 2015, Part 11: Visual Studio Azure Integration 00:11:44 Visual Studio
ViewBag Versus ViewData 00:07:56 MVC, ASP.NET
TempData 00:09:43 MVC, ASP.NET
Custom Display Templates 00:10:06 MVC, ASP.NET
Custom Editor Templates 00:14:18 MVC, ASP.NET
Architectural Spikes and Setting Up the Solution 00:21:49 Architecture
Using Dependency Injection to Decouple Layers 00:15:08 Architecture
Understanding Cross-Cutting Concerns 00:11:37 Architecture
Chatty versus Chunky Layer Interactions 00:07:16 Architecture
Designing Data Transfer Objects 00:11:53 Architecture
Understanding the Application Services Layer 00:10:27 Architecture
Understanding the Web Services Layer 00:21:42 Architecture
Filters 00:17:37 MVC, ASP.NET
Areas 00:08:31 MVC, ASP.NET
Bundling and Minification 00:30:56 MVC, ASP.NET
Series Introduction 00:09:11 Architecture
What is Architecture? 00:17:59 Architecture
When and How Architecture Happens 00:13:11 Architecture
Change is the Biggest Challenge in Software Development 00:17:14 Architecture
Understanding the Layered Architecture Pattern 00:20:08 Architecture
Understanding the Domain Layer 00:17:01 Architecture
Understanding the Presentation Layer 00:23:23 Architecture
Understanding the Persistence Layer 00:24:09 Architecture
Custom Routes 00:31:19 MVC, ASP.NET
RESTful URL Design 00:15:47 MVC, ASP.NET
Attribute Routing 00:16:19 MVC, ASP.NET
Partial Views 00:10:37 MVC, ASP.NET
Child Actions 00:08:19 MVC, ASP.NET
Caching Actions and Child Actions 00:15:58 MVC, ASP.NET
Returning Views, HTTP Errors and Redirecting Requests 00:12:50 MVC, ASP.NET
Layout Pages, RenderBody, RenderPage, and RenderSection 00:15:42 MVC, ASP.NET
Introduction to Cross-Site Scripting and the AntiForgeryToken 00:13:27 MVC, ASP.NET
Styling HTML Helper Method Output 00:15:31 MVC, ASP.NET
Introduction to Validation 00:22:57 MVC, ASP.NET
Creating an HTML Form with Labels and Other Form Controls 00:30:54 MVC, ASP.NET
Adding Client-Side and Unobtrusive Validation 00:13:34 MVC, ASP.NET
Preserving Data Annotations Using a Partial Metadata Class 00:09:42 MVC, ASP.NET
Understanding MVC Application Architecture and the View Model 00:12:03 MVC, ASP.NET
Introduction to Model Binding 00:20:47 MVC, ASP.NET
Introduction to Data Annotations 00:10:56 MVC, ASP.NET
Working with RouteValueDictionary in HTML Helper Navigation Methods 00:12:22 MVC, ASP.NET
Introduction to ASP.NET MVC 5 00:09:59 MVC, ASP.NET
Building your First ASP.NET MVC Application 00:26:26 MVC, ASP.NET
Understanding the Model-View-Controller Design Pattern 00:07:15 MVC, ASP.NET
Understanding "Convention over Configuration" 00:07:05 MVC, ASP.NET
Passing Data from the Controller to the View 00:04:23 MVC, ASP.NET
Defining a View and Layout 00:12:36 MVC, ASP.NET
Helper Methods in the View 00:07:07 MVC, ASP.NET
Understanding Razor Syntax Basics 00:25:10 MVC, ASP.NET
Generating a Scaffolded App from an Entity Data Model 00:12:21 MVC, ASP.NET
Introduction to Routing 00:21:41 MVC, ASP.NET